I No Longer Have Patience Quote

11×17 Printable Poster by WOCADO


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I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.

Wow ! This is so profound and wise. I wish we could all have this kind of wisdom the earliest possible in our lives. I wish we could not have to grow older to realize the truth in these words. And I hope younger people will benefit from these thoughts. The sooner, the better. Although -inevitably- wisdom and self-discovery come with age most of the times. Not to mention, that in some cases, they never come at all.


I originally posted this as a Meryl Streep Quote. This is a misinformation that was wide-spread on facebook these days and it is totally wrong.
The above text was written and published by the great Portuguese Author, José Micard Teixeira!
My sincere apologies to Mr Teixteira!

If you like these beautiful words by Mr. Teixeira, my guess is you would also like another post I have made earlier : My Soul is In a Hurry”.
Check it out!

My Soul is in a Hurry (the Valuable Time of Maturity)

13 thoughts on “I No Longer Have Patience Quote – Poster by WOCADO”

  1. This quote reminds me that certain people have no boundaries in dishonesty. José Micard Teixeira was a nobody until he attributed his own words to the famous world wide loved and honored Meryl Streep only to make waves after and “scream” that his “life philosophy” cannot be “thought” by an actress who doesn’t understand the concept: “one of the greatest gifts of the human being is empathy”. Here are the words of José, who should have thought deeper before building such a scheme.

    ¿Por qué no he agregado el “pensamiento” de Meryl Streep junto con las frases de maravillosas mujeres que he compartido?
    Bueno pues porque algo en él no me daba la certeza de que fuera una frase propiamente de la actriz. Algo en sus palabras, sobre todo en la traducción en Ingles no me cuadraban, sobre todo porque una de las frases de esta extraordinaria actriz es la de que “uno de los más grandes dones del Ser humano es la empatía” y en el texto que se movió por internet, que de hecho me parece muy valioso, la idea no necesariamente empataba con la filosofía de la actriz.
    Inclusive provocó que muchos empataran con su filosofía de vida a estas palabras pensando que coincidían con la manera de pensar de la actriz.”

    People love, respect, idolize Meryl Streep, for everything she is, everything she offered us, mere humans. That is why we think like that:

    “It would be a safe bet to assume that attaching the name of a multi-award winning actress such as Meryl Streep to the quote gave it a gravitas that the virtually unknown José could only dream of.”

    Marc Steyn

    1. I am so sorry to read this my dear.
      I do not know of course the story behind your words, but I hope you will forgive both yourself and your daughter, and then you will be able to show your love, appreciation and affection to her, without judging her feelings or her acts. Let your love show the way. Try to silence your mind for a while and let your heart speak to her instead. Amazing things can happen when we show love without expectations…
      All my best wishes for you and your daughter…

  2. The quote was cold, harsh, bitter, unforgiving, uncaring,,,,,,,,,resentful, unloving and without grace and a humane spirit. I am happy it was not Meryl’s quote after all.

    1. It seems cold and unlovingly only to someone who can not love another human being because they were never themselves loved that way. To have those kind of boundaries is to love yourself.

  3. My thoughts apologize to Meryl Streep .. I was so surprised she would say these words Interesting…. This quote is all the personalties she plays in film and shows us they are are human and usually living in fear . Meryl embraces these defects in people and shows us they are vulnerable. I am so glad it was not written from Meryl’s heart ! Thank You for correcting this we all make mistakes.

  4. Sorry to bother you, but please correct the author of my text which you said it was Meryl Streep that wrote it. Aren’t you a fan of thuth? This is what I (and many other people…) said since 2 weeks ago when we discovered that this mistake was spreading all around !!!
    I’m counting on you !!!
    Obvious Magazine has already changed the authorship and Dr. Christiane Northrup was also already mentioned it.
    Please, be the next to put the truth above all !!! Check that on my page

    1. Dear Mr. Teixeira,
      I am deeply honoured and happy you have stopped by our website.
      I honestly do not understand your comment here though, as I am one of the VERY first people to have corrected this mistake. And I am surprised you haven’t either read the post, or seen the poster quote. It is clearly stated above with emphasized letters, AND with a link back to your facebook page (as you may have seen many people go to your page from OUR link) AND as well as on the poster quote. The mistake went live and stayed live from our website ONLY FOR ABOUT ONE HOUR.
      I have also posted the correct one (not the false one) on our facebook page where I also state that it has been FALSELY attributed to Mrs. Meryl Streep, AND TO ALL OUR social profiles.

      I almost always do a very proper research when I design the quotes to post on WOCADO, because I really am a fan of the truth and I believe in honouring other people’s work. As I want other people to respect my work and do not remove my signature or the attribution to our website when they use the quotes we/I design. Unfortunately -in the rush of the moment- I fell for this with your words, as we ALL make mistakes sometimes.
      As I have already written 10 DAYS AGO ON THIS POST I apologize for the mistake, but please acknowledge the fact that it was corrected IMMEDIATELY and not after your suggestion as it happens to look like here, with your comment.

      Once again, I admire your work, I admire your words and I love your teachings and inspiration. Your comments are always welcome here! Have a great day!

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