A house without books is like by WOCADO.com

A house without books is like a room without windows.

~Horace Mann

A few words about the author of this quote

Horace Mann (May 4, 1796 – August 2, 1859) was an American educational reformer and Whig politician dedicated to promoting public education. He served in the Massachusetts State legislature (1827–37). In 1848, after public service as Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education, Mann was elected to the United States House of Representatives (1848–53). About Mann’s intellectual progressivism, the historian Ellwood P. Cubberley said: “No one did more than he to establish in the minds of the American people the conception that education should be universal, non-sectarian, free, and that its aims should be social efficiency, civic virtue, and character, rather than mere learning or the advancement of education ends”. Most historians treat Mann as the most important and beneficial leader of education reform in the antebellum period. here are a number of school buildings in the United States named after Mann.

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